You CAN do this!

Learn how to have the birth you want - all without having to leave your living room!

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You can do this. We KNOW you can!

We are ready to stand in your corner and be your cheering squad - to teach you everything you need to know to have the birth you want.

Hospital Birth - Home Birth - Birth Center Birth.

We are in this together and we KNOW you can do it!


Praise for Birth 101


Watch a Sneak Peek of Birth 101


We hope you will sign up for our Childbirth Classes Online!


"This was my first baby and I was looking for something that was easy for us to understand and I loved it because it was so laid back and fun. We both loved learning about breathing techniques, timing contractions and when I had a double-peaked contraction, we both immediately got what that meant. We felt very confident in the information we learned and very ready and calm as the birth was coming and as we were in labor – It was just so nice to feel so prepared. The videos are short so we could watch them several times if we wanted or just the ones we needed for a refresher. "

Nancy & Josh
1st Baby

"Because of my fear from hearing Doctors and family talk, I always had trouble with the idea that I could have a birth without a cesarean. With Birth 101 Childbirth classes, I learned better techniques for overcoming my fear of birth, and it's completely changed my life!"

Susan G.

Learn how to have the birth you want without having to leave your living room!

This course is 100% online and on-demand so you can take it as quickly or as slowly as you desire. You can repeat the course videos as many times as you want or cruise through the content as quickly as you can.

This course is the ONLY online course out there taught by a Certified midwife with decades of experience and over a thousand births. 

PLUS, we offer a money-back guarantee, a percentage of our proceeds go to an awesome charity & we provide you with access to a private student forum monitored by a midwife.

We hope that you too will be one of our many students that have gone on to have a life-transforming birth experience.

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Your no-nonsense course taught by an experienced midwife.

Holly Shearman, CPM has been a midwife for over 26 years and is still practicing. She has delivered over 1,200 babies in birth centers, homes and sometimes even the backseat of a car.

“I love being a midwife. I love being able to witness a woman giving birth. It is such a powerful and sacred event each and every time. It never gets old. Birth is such a miracle. I am dedicated to helping women and their families achieve the birth experience they desire.

I have always been interested in delivering babies but not sure which route to pursue. While doing my prerequisites for a nursing school our family was relocated to Korea. In Korea, my eyes were opened to alternative healthcare.

I became interested in herbs and homeopathy and shortly after moving back home to San Antonio found a local midwifery organization. I attended one of the monthly meetings and was immediately 'hooked'. I knew I had found my passion.

I began midwifery school and attending births in 1995, while pregnant with my third child. His birth at home changed me. It was a much better experience than giving birth in the hospital. I didn’t have to fight for what I wanted. I wish every woman could experience what I experienced.

I became a CPM in 1999 and since then have worked in a variety of settings. I hope this course will empower you to have the birth you desire."

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Frequently Asked Questions

The main course content has about 2 hours of video, plus we have hours of bonus material, which you can pick and choose from. Each video is about 10 minutes in length so it easy to fit in to your busy day.

We know you have a pretty strong Netflix binge watching ability, but, it is best to space the classes out so you can really practice and absorb everything. This is why we spread out the content of several weeks so the material does not become overwhelming.

Yes. Thankfully Birth 101 childbirth classes are eligible for reimbursement with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA), or a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). We accept all FSA, HSA & HRA cards. If you have additional questions about getting reimbursed with your FSA, HSA, or HRA account, contact [email protected].

If you were to enroll on October 15th...

  • The first charge happens on October 15th
  • The second charge is on November 15th
  • & the final charge is on December 15th.

And your payments are now complete. We split payments up like this to make life easier for you, & we know pregnancy and a new family member can mean a flurry of expenses.

You have a full year to work through the course at your own pace.

We offer a 30-day money back guarantee. If you’re not happy within the first 30 days, we will refund your tuition paid.

We feel strongly in the effectiveness of our Birth 101 Course that we want you to take it worry-free.

YES! We sure do. We believe, that with your support, we can end Need and Poverty in the World. 

Click Here to learn more about the charity your money helps to support.

Birth 101 was designed with both of you in mind. It took both of you to get into this pregnancy, it will take both of you at the birth, to help this baby out!

Not At All! It's never too late - will unless the baby is crowning I guess you can watch for next time, LOL

The course is designed for you to complete it at your own pace but if you need to make that pace RIGHT NOW let us know so we can help.

It’s best to space the classes out so you can really practice and absorb everything you need to know but we know you sometimes just don't have the time. That's why we developed this to be available 24/7/365.

If your goal is to have the birth you want to have then you need this course. Arm yourself with all the information you need no matter what number birth it is.

This course is designed with all parents-to-be in mind.

Yes. The course supports all hospital, home-birth and birth center births. 

You will have the knowledge and understanding to birth in any of those environments. 

Yes. The course supports all hospital, home-birth and birth center births. 

You will have the knowledge and understanding to birth in any of those environments. 

Yes. The information taught is universal to any birth in or outside the hospital.

We do have bonus video on VBAC that you should watch especially if you would like an out-of-hospital birth.


Yes. The principles we teach in this course are universal and can be helpful to you regardless to where you live.

Our payment processor accepts credit card charges from most non-US countries but there may be a small extra fee on your end from your bank so you may want to check with them prior to making the charge.

Once you purchase the course, you will have access to the course material - if you are not satisfied, you may cancel for a full refund within 30 days. 

Birth 101 Pricing Options

Pay in full and save or stretch the payments out - you choose which works best for you and your family.



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Money-Back Guarantee

24/7/365 Access

10% of Profits to Charity

Access for 1 full year

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Payment Plan



Money-Back Guarantee

24/7/365 Access

10% of Profits to Charity

Access for 1 full year

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Birth 101 Course Contents

We will continue to add new content and update modules as our course grows and matures.

  • Why have a natural birth?
  • Definitions you need to know.
  • Timeline of labor.
  • Choosing your support team
  • Tools you can use in labor.
  • Labor positions.
  • Tips for your support team.
  • How to time contractions.
  • How to breathe in labor.
  • How to cope mentally in labor.
  • How to push.
  • How to avoid tearing.
  • Healing your hoo-haa
  • Taking care of your nipples
  • The Golden Hour - 1st Hour After Birth
  • Delayed Cord Clamping
  • Cord care after birth
  • Breastfeeding Basics
  • What to do with your placenta
  • What if your water breaks
  • What makes a pregnancy high-risk?
  • GBS
  • Episiotomy
  • Newborn bath
  • Vitamin K/ Eye ointment
  • Baby hat
  • What if your baby's cord is around the neck?
  • VBAC information

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